TVA Youth 2 v 2 & 4 v 4 League

These fun leagues are a great way to get a lot of touches and be in a competitive environment throughout the summer! Grab some friends and play!


3-4th Grade (2 v 2 League only)

5-6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

High School

*If you have players on your team that are a mix of grades, you must play the division with the oldest grade level. For example, if you have 2 6th graders and 2 7th graders, you must play in the 7-8th grade division.

How to Register your team

Each player must register individually but must list a Team Rep (name of a teammate who you're playing with or the person who organized the team) in the registration form and your TEAM NAME. The name can be the last name of one of teammates or be a fun name.

2 v 2 and 4 v 4 Rules:

1) Uniforms are not necessary, numbers are not required.

2) There are no official back row or front row players, all players can play front and back row at any time.

3) You may serve and also be a spiker if you want.

4) Teams must serve in the same order from their 1st server to their 4th.

5) Teams will self-officiate. If there is a discrepancy on the call (one team says in, one team says out) REPLAY the ball.

6) Sets (games) are played to 21.

7) Substitute players are allowed for anyone on the roster, there is no fee for the sub to play.

8) Open hand tipping is NOT allowed. Players must "knuckle or fist" the ball over for tipping.

9) In the 2 v 2 league only, the block counts as a touch.

2025 5-8th Grade 4 v 4 League

5-8th Grade 4 v 4:

June 26-July 31st
Thursday evenings from 5:30-7:00pm 
(Deb may move 7/8th to the later time based on registration numbers.)


2025 9-12th Grade 4 v 4 League

9-12th Grade 4 v 4:

June 26-July 31st
Thursday evenings from 7:15-9:00pm 


2025 3-4th Grade 2 v 2 League

3-4th Grade 2 v 2 League:

June 29th-August 3rd
Sunday afternoons from 12-2pm. 

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